The classes of covers and tops suitable for use depend on the installation location. The various installation points are divided into groups with numbers from 1 to 6, as shown below. The picture shows the location of some of these groups within a street. For each group, the class of cover or top that should be used is indicated in brackets as a guideline. The choice of the appropriate class is left to the user / planner. In cases of doubt, choose the next higher class.
A 15 | according to DIN EN 124 | can be walked on according to DIN 1055 |
B 125 | according to DIN EN 124 | can be driven on by cars according to DIN 1055 |
C 250 | according to DIN EN 124 | SLW 30 according to DIN 1072 |
D 400 | according to DIN EN 124 | SLW 60 according to DIN 1072 |
E 600 | according to DIN EN 124 | according to customer load specification
F 900 | according to DIN EN 124 | according to customer load specification |
The purpose of this standard is to specify the definition, classes, materials, construction and testing principles, as well as the marking and quality control for mass produced attachments and covers mainly made of cast iron.
When using other materials such as e.g. steel, stainless steel, aluminium, composite constructions or reinforced concrete or when manufacturing individual covers / tops, the application of this standard does not make sense, as there are recognised calculation methods (static calculation) for these materials under an assumed load.
The expected loads for these covers are applied in the static calculation according to DIN 1055-3 ("Action on supporting structures"), DIN 1072 ("Load assumptions for road and path bridges") and DIN technical report 101 ("Action on bridges") and the cover is designed accordingly.